Bless us one and all…

Last night I was watching one of my all-time favorite Christmas movies: A Muppet Christmas Carol. And no, it’s not just because Michael Caine ignored the suggestion to relax on his assignment and act the Dickens out of his part as Ebenezer Scrooge.

Even when I saw Charles Dickens’s classic on stage in Washington D.C., they were wise enough to set the story to Christmas carols, because there is something about this scary ghost story that seems to require it. And Kermit & Piggy’s rendition somehow hits the nail on the head with original music that does far more than accompany the script.

One scene in particular seems especially appropriate as we all approach the holiday next week – Thanksgiving.

And on a sidetone, no, it is not the beginning of the holiday season. For Dia de los Muertos & Diwali, among others, have already been celebrated. So for those who are like me and my late father, looking for any excuse to party in the midst of this shadow-filled season: Happy Holidays, everybody!!!

Now, back to our originally scheduled programming: as the ghost of Christmas Present takes Scrooge on visits, they stop by the Cratchit residence where they see the entire family at table saying grace. The song they sing, Bless Us All, is a prayer. For life. For relationships. For finding our way in this world with kindness and compassion.

The entire composition speaks of a world we all so desperately need.

Not only do I commend it to you, but I also lift it up as a prayer to everything that is good and holy, as it says, we reach for you, and we stand tall, and in our prayers and dreams we ask you, bless us all.


Bless Us All

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